by Terri
Arisia is less than a month away. While we're also prepping panels, costumes and menus, the Arisia Art Show is a huge focus of our attention. Since we take so much more art there than any other show we exhibit at, Ariela and I have had to come up with a good system to ensure that she is not lugging too much matted art from Chicago. Last year Ariela brought most of the art to Boston with her along with the clear bags, hanging tabs, labels and stickers. I went out to Blick and bought ALL THE MATBOARD* (plus linen hinging tape, drafting tape and spray adhesive). We then had an epic matting party in my office.**
This year, she mailed all of the art to me ahead of time. We also ordered pre-cut backboards, more bags, & die cut stickers and had everything shipped directly to me. We still have not yet ordered ALL THE MATBOARD, but I already have just about everything else. I will be cutting the front frames once we order it, and then we will have another epic matting party when Ariela gets to Boston.
We have already had one exciting equipment failure (Ariela's printer decided that NOW was the best time to die, necessitating an express trip to Office Depot), but so far everything seems to be going OK.
So here are some picture of the already bananapants process, which is going to get Even More Bananapants as we get closer to the con.
This is sad art that the printer decided to eat.
[Image shows three different art prints that have color layers in the wrong places, chewed corners and black ink on their edges]
The new printer calmly doing its job.
[Image shows a printer on top of a bookshelf with a print half completed coming out of it]
A new treat for this year's art show - Stickers!
[Image shows a pile of colorful die cut stickers in plastic hanging bags]
[Image shows a pile of unmatted prints and greeting cards on a wood floor]
Backboards. It turns out that it's cheaper to buy pre-cut matboard for the back of a print than it is to cut them ourselves.
[Image shows stacks of 11x14 and 8x10 backboards plastic wrapped together, surrounded by brown packing paper]
*I almost blew over waiting for my rideshare home.
**This involved discovering that one Does Not Buy inexpensive mat cutters and sending Matthew out to Blick to pick up a new shiny mat cutter at 9 pm.